- Note
- The example is based on the Diploma thesis "Effiziente, approximative Berechnung des Spektrums von Graphen
mittels hierarchischer Matrizen" von Jan Nitzschmann.
Problem Description
Given is a Graph with nodes and edges . Let be the normalised Laplacian of with diagonal , and adjacency matrix ,
We are looking for the spectrum of . Please note, that with .
Computing all eigenvalues is usually extremly costly. However, sometimes not the exact spectrum is of interest but the general distribution of eigenvalues, which permits to characterise certain properties of matrices and especially graphs.
Applying the convolution
and being the usual delta distribution, one obtains a graphical representation of the spectrum. An example for this is shown in the following picture for a small graph (left) and the convoluted spectrum of its Laplacian together with the eigenvalues.
Note, that the above only represents a single sample for the whole spectrum. Depending on the sample frequency and the choice of , the final image shows more or less details of the spectrum. The following picture show two other versions of the above spectrum with a coarse (left) and fine (right) sampling.
Computation of the Spectrum
The above definition of contains the eigenvalues, which are not available. Hence, another way to compute is needed.
We start with the computation of the determinant of using LU factorisation. Since the determinant of triangular matrices is the product of their diagonal entries and since the diagonal entries of are one, this can be restricted to the diagonal entries of :
Applying the logarithm to both sides of the equation, we can change the product into a sum:
Replacing by , one obtains
Here we have used the identity of the determinant with the corresponding characteristic polynomial .
Finally, differentiation with respect to yields
Replacing the differentation by a (central) difference quotient makes the problem computable with a series of LU factorisations for for the different values of . Furthermore, instead of an exact LU decomposition, the H-LU factorisation is used to obtain log-linear costs.
Sparse to 𝓗-Matrix Conversion
The program starts by converting a sparse matrix, which is assumed to represent a graph laplacian, into an 𝓗-matrix:
#include <iostream>
main ( int argc,
char ** argv )
std::string matrixfile = "graph.mat";
double mu = 1e-2;
double d = 1e-3;
uint nsteps = 100;
double eps = 1e-4;
std::cout << "input matrix is not sparse" << std::endl;
return 1;
auto ct = nd_ct_builder.build( S );
TWeakAlgAdmCond adm_cond( S, ct->perm_i2e() );
auto bct = bct_builder.
build( ct.get(), ct.get(), & adm_cond );
auto L = h_builder.
build( bct->root(), acc_exact );
In addition to also the identity matrix is needed to compute :
auto Id = identity( bct.get() );
L->set_complex( true );
Id->set_complex( true );
Both matrices need to be complex valued since is, except for , which represents the limit case with exact representation of the spectrum.
Computing the Difference Quotient
For the computation of the spectrum in the sample space equally distant sample points are chosen as defined by the number of steps nsteps
, i.e., with .
Afterwards, for each value of the difference quotient is computed and as well as the result of the difference quotient are stored:
const auto lambda_0 = i * stepwidth;
const auto f_mu_plus_h = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu+h, eps );
const auto f_mu_minus_h = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu-h, eps );
x(i) = lambda_0;
y(i) = (f_mu_plus_h - f_mu_minus_h) / (2 * h);
Since computation for different values of are independent, they may be computed in parallel. This is done by using the parallel_for
algorithm from TBB:
tbb::parallel_for( uint(0), nsteps+1,
[=,&x,&y] ( const uint i )
} );
The result of the computation is stored in two objects of type BLAS::Vector
and returned as a std::pair
, which completes the function calc_y:
std::pair< BLAS::Vector< double >,
BLAS::Vector< double > >
calc_y ( const TMatrix * L,
const TMatrix * Id,
const double mu,
const double h,
const uint nsteps,
const double eps )
BLAS::Vector< double > x( nsteps+1 );
BLAS::Vector< double > y( nsteps+1 );
const double stepwidth = 2.0 / double(nsteps);
tbb::parallel_for( uint(0), nsteps+1,
[=,&x,&y] ( const uint i )
const auto lambda_0 = i * stepwidth;
const auto f_mu_plus_h = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu+h, eps );
const auto f_mu_minus_h = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu-h, eps );
x(i) = lambda_0;
y(i) = (f_mu_plus_h - f_mu_minus_h) / (2 * h);
} );
return std::pair< BLAS::Vector< double >,
BLAS::Vector< double > >( std::move( x ),
std::move( y ) );
This is then called from the main function via
auto spectrum = calc_y( L.get(), Id.get(), mu, d, nsteps, eps );
For visualization, both arrays are written to files in Matlab format, which finishes the program:
TMatlabVectorIO vio;
vio.write( spectrum.first, "x.mat", "x" );
vio.write( spectrum.second, "y.mat", "y" );
catch ( std::exception & e )
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
Computing the Determinant
Left open is the computation of the determinant of implemented in calc_abs_det
via 𝓗-LU factorisation.
Before the factorisation, the matrix first has to be computed:
calc_abs_det ( const TMatrix * L,
const TMatrix * Id,
const double lambda_0,
const double mu,
const double eps )
auto L_lmu_Id = L->copy();
add( HLIB::complex( -lambda_0, -mu ), Id, HLIB::complex( 1, 0 ), L_lmu_Id.get(), acc_exact );
By default, 𝓗𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈 uses block-wise LU factorisation, i.e., computes the inverse of diagonal blocks. In this case however, the point-wise LU factorisation is needed since the diagonal entries are used.
fac_options_t opts;
opts.eval = point_wise;
factorise( L_lmu_Id.get(), fixed_prec( eps ), opts );
After the factorisation, these diagonal entries only need to be extracted from the matrix. Note, that L_lmu_id
stores and but since the diagonal entries of are one and therefore not explicitly stored, the diagonal of L_lmu_id
is equal to the diagonal of .
To obtain the diagonal entries the function diagonal
is available, which returns a vector containing the coefficients.
In order to prevent stability issues, the function tests for very small values and aborts further computation if such values are present:
auto diag = diagonal( L_lmu_Id.get() );
double sum = 0.0;
for ( auto i : diag->is() )
const auto u_ii = diag->centry( i );
const auto norm_uii = std::sqrt( norm( u_ii ) );
if ( norm_uii < 1e-12 )
std::cout << "detected near zero entry" << std::endl;
return 0;
sum += std::log( norm_uii );
return sum;
The Plain Program
#include <iostream>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include "hlib.hh"
const double lambda_0,
const double mu,
const double eps )
auto L_lmu_Id = L->
add( HLIB::complex( -lambda_0, -mu ), Id, HLIB::complex( 1, 0 ), L_lmu_Id.get(), acc_exact );
factorise( L_lmu_Id.get(), fixed_prec( eps ), opts );
auto diag = diagonal( L_lmu_Id.get() );
double sum = 0.0;
for ( auto i : diag->is() )
const auto u_ii = diag->centry( i );
const auto norm_uii = std::sqrt( norm( u_ii ) );
if ( norm_uii < 1e-12 )
std::cout << "detected near zero entry" << std::endl;
return 0;
sum += std::log( norm_uii );
return sum;
std::pair< BLAS::Vector< double >,
const double mu,
const double d,
const uint nsteps,
const double eps )
const double stepwidth = 2.0 / double(nsteps);
tbb::parallel_for( uint(0), nsteps+1,
[=,&x,&y] ( const uint i )
const auto lambda_0 = i * stepwidth;
const auto f_mu_plus_d = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu+d, eps );
const auto f_mu_minus_d = calc_abs_det( L, Id, lambda_0, mu-d, eps );
x(i) = lambda_0;
y(i) = (f_mu_plus_d - f_mu_minus_d) / (2 * d);
} );
return std::pair< BLAS::Vector< double >,
std::move( y ) );
main ( int argc,
char ** argv )
std::string matrixfile = "graph.mat";
double mu = 1e-2;
double h = 1e-3;
uint nsteps = 100;
double eps = 1e-4;
std::cout << "input matrix is not sparse" << std::endl;
return 1;
auto ct = nd_ct_builder.build( S );
TWeakAlgAdmCond adm_cond( S, ct->perm_i2e() );
auto bct = bct_builder.
build( ct.get(), ct.get(), & adm_cond );
auto L = h_builder.
build( bct->root(), acc_exact );
auto Id = identity( bct.get() );
L->set_complex( true );
auto spectrum = calc_y( L.get(), Id.get(), mu, h, nsteps, eps );
write( spectrum.first,
"x" );
vio.write( spectrum.second, "y.mat", "y" );
catch ( std::exception & e )
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
Example Matrices
The Sparse Matrix Collection from the University of Florida provides a wide range of sparse matrices.
The following Matlab function will compute the normalised Laplacian from a given sparse matrix, assuming the matrix contains the adjacency matrix of the graph (loops are ignored!).
function [ Ln ] = laplacian ( A )
s = size(A);
n = s(1);
sums = sum( A );
invsums = 1./sqrt(sums);
Ln = D*L*D;